Our Lady of Sorrows (1583)

our lady of sorrows
2. Our Lady of Sorrows, Italy, 1583,  (http://www.oclarim.com.mo/en/2017/03/17/mother-of-sorrows-milan-italy-marian-apparitions-9/).


      Our Lady of Sorrows is a miraculous image that is known for secreting fluids in Rho, Italy. Two farmers were praying before the image and noticed that the eyes of the Virgin Mary looked swollen, as if she had been crying, and that’s when they saw tears of blood falling from the Virgin Mary’s eyes.¹

      Our Lady of Sorrows is a portrait of the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Jesus across her lap. This pieta position, which has been seen in many Christian paintings, shows Mary mourning after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Mary is pictured with a halo around her head showcasing her holiness. Additionally, the head of Jesus is encompassed with the cruciform halo. There are also halos around two of the woman pictured in the painting implying their holiness as well. Mary is pictured in blue clothing which is the color Mary is normally depicted in.

      The color contrast between Mary’s cloth and the pale body of Jesus make the viewer focus on the dead body of Jesus. Additionally, the blue background of the image allows for the viewer to stay focused on what is going on in the image, specifically the death of Jesus and the sorrow of Mary. Mary’s eyes are cast downward at the dead body of Jesus further signifying the sorrow that Mary is feeling as well as where the viewer should draw their attention. Jesus’s body hold the wounds of the crucifixion while blood is still falling from them signifying that this was right after the crucifixion. The bodies and faces of the people within the images are painted to look natural, nobody is idealized.

¹  Joan Carroll Cruz, Miraculous Images of Our Lady, 220. 

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