Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos (1623)

Our Lady de san juan
9. Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos, Mexico, (1623, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_San_Juan_de_los_Lagos).

Statue made of pasta de Michoacan¹

      Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos is famous for the miraculous healing of bringing a dead child back to life. This statue stand about a foot tall and is made from a combination of cornstalks and glue, which makes this material unsuitable to hold for long and very likely to crumble. The statue was already in poor condition at the time of the first miracle in Mexico. How the statue still stands is said to be a miracle on it’s own since the statue is still in good shape today, despite it’s conditions, after over 350 years.²

      Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos shows a young Virgin Mary dressed in beautiful, blue, luxurious clothing as well as wearing a detailed crown. The Virgin Mary’s hands are folded as if in prayer while her face contains her eyes wide open. Her head is slightly shifted so that she is looking past the viewer. The face of Mary is idealized. She is standing on top of  a golden crescent moon. Above Mary are two silver angels who are holding a ribbon in blue enamel that reads “Mater Immaculata, ora pro nobis”. This phrase translates to “Immaculate Mother, pray for us”. The angels are looking upwards towards the words rather than looking at Mary showcasing how important the words are.The statue itself can be seen depicted in the triangle with the way that her dress lays, helping to lead the viewer upwards to the simple face of Mary. The head of the Virgin Mary is slightly dark in color and feels small compared to the dress itself. However, it still feels like the center of attention, despite the many lavish looking details around the Virgin Mary.

¹ Joan Carroll Cruz, Miraculous Images of Our Lady, 339.
²Cruz, Miraculous Images of Our Lady, 339.

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