Our Lady Of Guadalupe (1531)

Our Lady of Guadalupe
10. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico, 1531, (http://thecatholicspirit.com/faith/the-lesson-plan/our-lady-of-guadalupe/). 

Cactus cloth made from maguey plant, 21 x 78 in.¹

      Our Lady of Guadalupe is famous for self creation after a numerous of appearances made to Juan Diego. However, despite the miracles this image has produced, one of the real miracles is how this original is still intact. The original image holds no damage despite the numerous of followers that have touched the image until it was placed under glass in 1647.² Created miraculously in Mexico, the cactus cloth that the image is imprinted on has been known to be unsuitable for paint. Scientists and artists both have no explanation for how this image was created naturally.

      In Our Lady of Guadalupe we can see a young Virgin Mary held up by an angel. Mary is standing on top of a black crescent moon, as seen in other miraculous images. Her body is encompassed in a halo while her hands are folded in prayer. Her body is tilted slightly while her eyes are shut, like in prayer. Additionally, the face of Mary takes on a naturalistic look which allows for the viewer to relate. Her garment is blue, which holds true to the color normally associated with Mary. It is also said that the eyes of Mary reflect light rays just like a humans.³

      However, several additions have been painted on the cloth around the original. Rays of the sun were painted on but are now fading away. There is a white moon at the top that was added is now turning black and chipping away. A now hardly noticeable crown was painted on top of the Virgin Mary’s head. These additions on the image have all started to decompose, while the original picture still stands in peak condition.

¹ Joan Carroll Cruz, Miraculous Images of Our Lady, 304.

²Cruz, Miraculous Images of Our Lady, 305.

³ Cruz, 306.




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